Friday, November 21, 2008

SWF, sort of

Happy 110th Birthday to the Belgian painter, René François Ghislain Magritte. Born, November 21, 1898, the same year as my paternal grandmother, who we called Baubie (yiddish for grandma).

I've always liked Magritte and his vivid portraits and men in red ties, but never knew he was born in '98. I always think of Baubie when people mention that year. To think that she would have been 110 this year is even more remarkable.

Magritte passed too young in 1967. My Baubie was fortunate enough to live to see one of her life's goals, to dance, albeit from a wheelchair, at my wedding. She passed one month later, almost to the day, in January of 1986.
She was a strong, opinionated woman who frustrated the dickens out of my parents. I'm more like her than I want to admit!

Have a wonderful
SkyWatch Friday.


Louise said...

It IS a nice sky in the background. I had a grandparent born in 1897, but he died in 1973. Your grandmother lived to quite a ripe age!

Anonymous said...

Fun choice for Sky Watch!

Julie said...

I love the painter also and it is better to be like someone you admire then don't, right.

Anonymous said...

While it should be an image of your own in Skywatch - or any Photo Meme for that matter - I think we can let that slide, since it is pretty neat! ;)
Interesting choice!
Cheers, Klaus